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Warehouse and bonded warehouses

Warehouse services and storage of goods.


Warehouse for temporary storage

We provide comprehensive services for international shipping and therefore, seeing the needs of our customers, we have invested in having our own warehouse and bonded warehouse in Gdynia.

In our warehouse we offer rack and block storage and a full range of services – container handling and de-stacking, palletising, labelling, and any assistance tailored to the needs of our customers.

Having our own bonded warehouse, we can offer our clients storage of goods without any time limits. The client is not obliged to pay customs duties and taxes for all the goods stored in the customs warehouse, but only for the batches that he places on the market. This practice is a great convenience for ALLcom customers when organizing the logistics of trading in goods.

Our warehouse stores food, industrial, household appliances, sports equipment, parts for the automotive industry, agricultural, coal blocks. Goods are stored in bulk, on pallets and in “big bags”.

We also offer the possibility of storing customs goods in a temporary storage warehouse and bonded warehouse, on a separate square on our premises.

For the needs of our customers, we also cooperate with a network of warehouses and bonded warehouses throughout the country.

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