+48 58 660 78 00 allcom@allcom.gdynia.pl

ALLcom member of ALFA Logistics and F CUBE Network!

We would like to proudly announce that in 2021 we have become a member of two international organizations uniting forwarders around the world. ALFA Logistics, in which 416 forwarding companies from all over the world cooperate, and F CUBE Network – a network of more than 100 companies from 70 different countries.

Membership in such internationally important organizations has given us direct access to business partners around the world. For ALLcom this means the possibility of dynamic development and expansion into new countries, but also the strengthening of its position in places where we have already created our own organizational structure.

By becoming a Polish agent of ALFA Logistics and F CUBE Network we bet on our employees. By joining the network, our agents, forwarders and carriers can – without geographical limitations – contact and work together with specialists from almost all over the world!

For our customers the profits from this cooperation are enormous, because they mean that ALLcom is able to offer them the best partners at competitive rates.