+48 58 660 78 00 allcom@allcom.gdynia.pl


Project cargo is a term under which an important part of ALLcom’s activity is hidden. These services are especially appreciated by companies involved in infrastructure projects, where logistics is often very complicated, the processes must be “tailor-made”.

They can not be closed in the framework of, for example, containerization, which has contributed to the rapid development of international trade, which is our reality today. Most cargo, even that which has been treated as bulk for centuries, is transported by sea in containers.

Supply chains are created based on terminal capacity, ship capacity, standardization and versatility of containers. Logistics of their creation supports and meets the expectations of both smaller and medium-sized companies, as well as corporations, operating in many markets, dependent on “just in time” deliveries.

This versatility has allowed many logistics companies, including us, to create procedures, schemes of conduct, the rhythm of action, which is based on a developed global network of container connections. However, it is project cargo that enables logistics companies to present themselves to their partners as developed organizations, capable of implementing their own solutions and interacting in different markets with participants of complex processes.

ALLcom, in its more than twenty-five years of history, has repeatedly, successfully supported clients whose projects required out-of-the-box action, and the parameters of the cargo did not allow the use of existing chains. We have participated, among others, in projects in the gas industry, off-shore, energy industry. For these projects we have organized oversized cargo transports, including pipes, shipyard subassemblies, power turbine elements and metallurgical furnaces. Sometimes these are one-time projects, but more often they are spread over months or years, consisting of many ship calls, train arrivals and hundreds of car transports. Each of these projects requires an individual approach to the process and the client’s specific expectations, such as the safety of both people and cargo. 

It also requires a special commitment of the team and the use of previously gained experience. The ability to build relationships with partners and reliability are also very important aspects. They allow us to take up the challenge, which is undoubtedly the efficient organization of project cargo.