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Hundreds of thousands of companies around the world use the services of shipping and transportation companies every day. However, in order for the realization of the carriage to take place and proceed on clear, predetermined terms, appropriate documents are needed. Among them, one of the most important is the transport order. What exactly is this record and what is worth knowing about a transport order?

What is a transport order?

A transport order is a type of civil law contract concluded between the entity sending the goods for transportation and the transport company in question. This document contains the most important data on the transport service and key arrangements.
All these provisions, the individual elements that must be included in the transport order and their content are defined by the Civil Code and the Transport Law, specifically the Law of November 15, 1984, as well as the CMR Convention on contracts related to the international carriage of goods by road.

Transport order – what must it contain?

For a transport order to be a document that is valid and binding on both parties, it must meet certain conditions. First of all, it is essential that the transport order be in writing. If the agreement is concluded verbally and problems arise in the implementation of the transport, both parties risk huge problems, disputes and, consequently, losses.

The content of the transport order must include accurate details of the contractor and the principal, and it is necessary to describe in detail the subject of the contract. It is also necessary to specify the quantity and type of goods to be transported. In addition, it is in the transport order that the dates, times and places of both loading and unloading of the transported items must be included. It is also important to enter the amount that will be transferred to the contractor for the performance of the service. Often the transport order also includes information regarding additional equipment or the specification of the vehicle with which the transport will be carried out.

What information is worth adding to the transport order?

To avoid misunderstandings or unpleasant consequences, it is also worthwhile to include additional provisions in the transport order that will clarify the issues that are important for the finalization of the entire transportation service. Thus, it is good to indicate:

  • the date of payment for the carriage performed,
  • key information important for the safety of loading and unloading of goods,
  • instructions for the driver performing the transportation service,
  • the obligation of the contractor to inform the principal about the various stages of the order performed,
  • regulations on contractual penalties, e.g. for delays not caused by fortuitous events,
  • deadlines for delivery of necessary transport documents.

The more precise the information provided in the transport order, the easier it will be to resolve any possible disputes or problems in the event that the carriage does not go as planned.

It is also worth remembering that for a transport order to be binding, it must be accepted and signed by both parties.