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Home » Bez kategorii » What is a transportation gestation?

As in any industry, so in transportation, all transactions and services performed related to the transportation of goods are based on predetermined terms and conditions accepted by both parties. One of the elements accompanying the transportation of goods is transport gestation.

What is worth knowing about it?

Transport gestion (management of carriage) is a strictly defined set of obligations and rights of the parties involved in the organization of a given transport. These arrangements are part of the commercial contract between the seller and the buyer and are the basis for resolving any possible disputes related to carriage. Transport gestion applies to both domestic transactions and foreign contracts.

The content of the transport gestion is regulated by eleven provisions used by businesses around the world. These are the so-called International Rules of Trade (Incoterms), which concern, among other things, the distribution of freight charges or the risks associated with the execution of transport.

Transport gestion – what does such a document contain?

The transport gesture contains information that specifies:

the allocation of costs associated with the performance of transportation,

division of risks, determination of the characteristics of the carriage, including a description of the route, means of transport, responsibility for the transported goods, the date of execution, indication of the entity that is obliged to reload or unload the cargo, obligation to clear both export and import customs, responsibility regarding cargo insurance, the so-called insurance gestion.

In addition, the transport gesture may also include other relevant provisions for the type of goods or the performance of transportation.

Types of transport gestures

Currently, three types of transport gesture can be distinguished:

  • own – the cost and organization of the entire transport is taken by one of the parties to the transaction. Thus, the consignee or shipper is responsible for the entire transportation process. This type of gesture most often occurs in domestic transport,
  • foreign – the service of transportation of goods is carried out by an external company, and all aspects of transportation are determined by forwarders,
  • mixed – the seller or exporter is responsible for the goods until they reach the place of loading. Then the responsibility shifts to the buyer or importer.

Mixed or foreign transport gestion is most often used for international transport. Organizing this type of transport on one’s own can be quite time-consuming and complicated. In addition, it often requires the collection of many necessary documents. By outsourcing these issues to a transport company, you can save a lot of time, as well as the cost of getting the cargo to its destination. Permanent cooperation with transport companies is also an opportunity to negotiate very good financial conditions and gain the trust of the buyer by using the services of transport professionals.